By Philip Lee
Jeunesse will win BIG as it is doing it RIGHT in China.
(21 March 2016, Asia World Expo Hong Kong)
Jeunesse priotizes training so its members understands its products.
China is a large market and Jeunesse has invested hugely to ensure happy customers.
I am excited that it is the 13th Jeunesse University for China.
Each enrollment, the students increase.
This time, it is attended by 12,000 attendees!
A hall packed with zealous ambitious Chinese who all want to be Diamond and seal it in their hearts!
Scott A Lewis, Chief Visionary Officer of Jeunesse, son of the Founders said,
"Jeunesse has become so much more than just a company, so much more than any one person, it has become a unified MOVEMENT with hundreds of thousands of people all focused on a collective mission to CHANGE the world.
The best part about all the excitement and energy at this event is that I know it is only the beginning, as we are only scratching the surface of what is to is a special feeling when you know that so many people are living their DESTINY and that Jeunesse is making a positive difference in so many lives around the world...the BEST is yet to come!
Thank you to my Jeunesse Greater China family for your trust, confidence and all out PASSION to change the world...We Are Generation Young!"
Philip: Today, I am confident of winning as my team is also doing RIGHT.
My Diamonds sit with me to strategise and constantly challenge me to shape my SUCCESS MINDSET.
(Diamond Steven Tan with me and my China team)
Are you serious to be a Business Leader?
There are many types of leaders.
Some are Pseudo leaders managing consumers in different cities by just sharing randomly.
Others work with their Leaders on a strategy with the right pointers.
Your leader could be anywhere in the world but he takes time to have regularly calls and checks his downline report daily.
You can win when your leader KNOWS YOU and YOUR FLOCK.
A sheep recognizes the voice of the Shepherd.
The Chinese are so hungry as they feed on every word of wisdom shared.
In China, they keep recruiting daily.
You have to leverage the strong momentum.
My Diamond leaders are guiding my team to manage the scale.
Doing it Right the first time makes for a sustainable success.
We are not into just making income.
We are into changing lives.
That means we have a strategy to train and duplicate.
We provide free internet marketing guidance for team members to reach out to the internet community when they are excited and convinced of the reverse aging results Jeunesse brings in health and beauty.
Where ever you are, you can be part of this momentum.
It is not always you get a chance to be discipled and shape yourself with the Right Success Habits.
Do not wait.
You can slowly absorb after joining.